Diaspora World

Start counting your blessings.

We spend a lot of time complaining about things that are not working, things that we don’t have, situations that are not changing. I am very guilty of this and have been for years.

It is too easy to complain, a good moan often helps but only for a little while. It is important to take a good look at what is working for us and then that will help us to develop a heart of gratitude.

Good health, a steady job, a happy home, food on the table, clothes on our backs, the ability to get to do simple things, these are all great blessings. With the way the economy is at the moment, there is high unemployment in most countries, according to UK news reports, there is an increase of people going to food banks more ever. Appreciate the job that you allows to put food on the table each day.

A lot of people are in unhappy relationships and yet others are envious of them and wish that they were also coupled up with someone. Appreciate your single status, treat and pamper yourself.

People with serious health conditions are often stuck in hospital for months and months on end, let’s be grateful that we are not in that sad situation.

We have a lot to be thankful for, let’s start counting our blessings and start enjoying them.

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